Tuesday, November 15, 2011

November Art Lesson

Hey, look! Tumbleweeds! Can I call 'em, or what?

No time for a REAL update today - it's budget day, bleccchhh - but I'm so impressed by my kids I had to share.

Yesterday's art lesson was the first since we wrapped up our series on the basic elements of design and art. How to draw a still life by finding the contours rather than by symbols. In this case, when we look at a group of pumpkins, we find the continuous line surrounding the pumpkins and draw THAT instead of setting out to draw individual pumpkins. Like so:

I call it Three Plastic Pumpkins on a Plate
Joseph wasn't even all that interested, worked pretty quickly, and still blew me away.
Josh was SUPER excited to have real art pencils to work with, and spent a lot of time talking about value in his drawing. Gorgeous.
Ben took a lot of time, and put pain-staking effort into the accuracy of the lines on the middle pumpkin especially. I thought he did an amazing job creating the shape of the top divot. Also, apparently he's European. 14/11? Really?

 So there you go. My kids are awesome.

Time to budget.