Thursday, August 25, 2011

Check Out My OCD!

So here’s a glimpse at my current thoughts about scheduling.

I know it looks very conspiracy-theory-slash-OCD-slash-The-Shining. I also know that every homeschooler in America recommends NOT putting together a rigid schedule since it’s unrealistic. I know it’s unrealistic, but this is how my brain works. For comparison, here is my daily schedule for the summer.
I'm a fun Mom!
Did every day actually work out that way? Not even remotely! But at least I knew what things were supposed to happen, and I had time set aside to make it happen if I needed to. I’m the kind of person that needs the structure in place, even if it’s not adhered to rigidly. If it’s not in place to begin with, then mental chaos reigns supreme, nothing whatsoever gets done, and that’s the fast track to depression for me. My sticky note conspiracy theory style daily schedule works for me.

Also, pretty.
Now, so far that just covers school time and meals and scouts and my other job teaching private music lessons. And actually, that’s another way this schedule comes in handy. If I didn’t have this all laid out nice and visually for myself, I would accept more and more students till I drove myself insane. Now I know without a doubt I can take a maximum of two more music students on. That is my absolute limit. Which is a bummer, because I really love teaching and want to provide everyone I know with an inexpensive way for their kids to learn their instrument. But I just can’t do that. But I wouldn’t know that if I didn’t see it in black and white. And purple and orange and pink and green.
Where was I?
Oh yeah, I still need to figure out where in there I’m going to squeeze all the OTHER stuff I need to do on a regular basis. You know, budgeting and meal planning and grocery shopping and music lesson prep and school lesson prep and you know, someday I may even mop. Not someday SOON, mind you, but sometimes these things need to be done. Oh yeah, and “me” time. Which I suck at. Can watching Star Trek in the evenings with my hubby count for that? Because that time is sacrosanct, and way more relaxing to me than getting a manicure or whatever it is girls do. Yeah, I think I’m officially counting that as my “me” time.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your home schooling endeavors..I think you will do a terrific job! :)
