Monday, August 15, 2011

Hi There

The name of this blog refers to two things: 1, I am the youngest of my siblings, and a girl, therefore forever a little sister, and 2, this cartoon.
For those with no patience for dumb cartoons, I’ll sum up: a cynical dude imagines the saddest character he can think of (to make others cry for his amusement), and creates “Li’l Brudder,” a one-legged dog whose catchphrase is “I can make it on my own!” His pathetic cuteness causes everyone to cry, but his hopeful resilience causes stupid people to seek him out for financial advice.
What I’m saying is, no matter how resiliently and cutely I flail about attempting to educate my children, you’d be stupid to seek me out for advice of any sort whatsoever. (But DANG am I cute.)
Though probably not as cute as Li'l Brudder.

Also, “schoolmarm” is a funny word.
No, I just feel compelled to attempt a chronicling of my homeschool experience (though I have no doubt this blog will have tumbleweeds blowing across it after a month or two). Not because there aren’t already homeschooling blogs out there – there are, approximately, a bajillion – but because I never really found one that I could relate to. Most blogs are created after a homeschooler’s been going for a while and feeling pretty confident. Advice blogs, idea blogs, that kind of thing. I’d like this to be the blog somebody can look at and go “oh, thank goodness I’m not the only one who tried that and messed it up!” “Is she chronicling about homeschooling without Comic Sans? OR animated GIFs? Is that allowed?”
I’d like parents to consider homeschooling without feeling like they’re outsiders looking in.
So, if you’re considering homeschooling and feeling like an outsider, I’ll let you peek through my window first. Then you can be all “Oh, if THAT idiot can do it, then so can I!”
You’re welcome, America.


  1. Obviously it's a recent decision - at least from my point of reference - but: wow. All three kids?

    Pure awesome sauce.

  2. This is gonna be Great. I can tell.
